Maharashtra HSC Board 2023 Organisation Of Commerce And Management (51)


Maharashtra HSC Board 2023

Organisation Of Commerce And Management (51) 

 Time: 3 Hrs.                Sub: OCM            Max. Marks: 80


Note: 1) All questions are compulsory.

          2) Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.

          3) Figures to the left indicate question members.

          4) Answer to every question must be started on a new page.


Q.1. (A) Select the Correct option and rewrite the sentences:                       (5)        [20]

(1) Scalar Chain means the hierarchy of __________ from the top level of the lower level for the purpose of communication.
a) Discipline    b) Unity    c) Authority 

(2) __________ warehouse provide facilities for perishable commodity.
a) Bonded    b) Cold Storage    c) Government 

3) For online transaction _______ is required.
a) Registration     b) Trading     c) Business 

4) The president of District Forum is ________
a) District Judge    b) High Court Judge    c) Supreme Court Judge

5) Retail market is the market where retailer sells goods directly to the __________ in small quantities.
a) Producer     b) wholesaler     c) Consumer

Q.1. (B) Match the Pairs:
                Group 'A'                                                    Group 'B'
        a) Henry Fayol                                              1) It is the process of instructing, guilding,                                                                                    communicating and motivating
        b) Directing                                                   2) Scientific Management Theory
        c) Responsible toward Government             3) It is the process of recruiting, selecting,                                                                                       placing and remunerating         
        d) Digital cash                                                4) To earn profit
      e) Monopoly                                                    5) Respecting rules and regulations
                                                                               6) Exist only in cyber space
                                                                               7) Exits everywhere
                                                                               8) Single buyer
                                                                               9) Modern Management Theory
                                                                              10) Single Seller

Q.1. (C) State whether the following statement are true or false:
(1) F.W. Taylor has proposed 14 principles of Management. (False)
(2) Current Account is opened by salaried Persons. (False)
(3) Unregulated market operates accounting to forces of demand and supply. (False)
(4) Consumer being the king of market does not have any responsibility. (False)
(5) Lok Adalat can rightly be described as "People's Court" (True)

Q.1. (D) Find the odd one:
(1) Planning, Organising, staffing, Writing 
(2) Trekking, Wildlife Study, Horseback riding, Indoor game
(3) Primary credit co-operative society,  State co-operative bank, District co-operative bank, Exchange bank.
(4) B to B,B to C, A to Z, C to C
(5) Stock Exchange, Foreign Exchange, Bullion market, Manufactured Market

Q.2 Explain the following terms/ concepts (Any FOUR):                                            [8]
(1) Management    
(2) Social Responsibility
(3)Concepts of Trusteeship 
(4) Janhit Yachika
(5) Packaging 
(6) Product

Q.3. Study the following case/ situation and express your opinion (Any TWO):       [6]

Q.1 Mr. Ram, an emerging entrepreneur has designed a structure of his business organization by taking into consideration the required resources such as land, money, machinery, workforce, etc, for his new business. He appointed Mr.Shyam as a manager. Mr.Ram has assigned responsibilities such as recruitment, selection, training, and development and to determine the remuneration of the employees' to Mr.Shyam. Mr. Ram has also appointed Mr.Shubham to supervise the work done by the employees according to the standards given to the employees.Mr.Shubham has to also suggest the remedies to the employees wherever necessary.

In this context, find out the management functions performed by

i. Mr. Ram

ii. Mr.Shyam

iii. Mr.Shubham


Solution:  Video Solution 

i) Mr. Ram performs the function of planning and organizing. He is an emerging entrepreneur and plans the business structure and organizes different resources.

ii) Mr. Shyam is performing the function of staffing as his main duty is to recruit, select, train, and develop the employees and to decide their remuneration accordingly.

iii) Mr. Subham is performing the function of controlling. He compares the actual performance of employees with the standard performance given. He discovers the causes of deviations and suggests remedies to overcome deviations.

Q.2 Mr. Amit is a businessman. He has his own factories in Pune and Nashik. He lives in Pune with his wife and 2 daughters aged 5 and 8 years.

i) Can Mr. Amit take a life insurance policy for his wife and 2 children?
ii) Can Mr. Amit take a marine insurance policy for his factories?
iii) Which type of insurance should Mr. Amit take for protecting his factories from loss due to fire?


i) Mr. Amit can take whole life policy or term insurance policy for his wife and child insurance policy or money back policy for his daughters.


ii) Mr. Amit cannot take marine. insurance policy for his factories.


iii) Mr. Amit can take Floating Fire Insurance Policy for protecting his factories at Pune and Nashik.

Q.3 Mr. Atharva made his payment by cheque at the same time Mr. Samarth made his payment by fund transfer.

i. Whose payment is faster?

ii. Whose payment is related to traditional business?

iii. Whose payment is related to e-business?


The payment made by Mr. Samarth by fund transfer is faster than the payment made by Mr. Atharva through cheque.

The payment made by Mr. Atharva by cheque is related to traditional business.


The payment made by Mr. Samarth by fund transfer is related to e-business.

Q.4 Distinguish between (Any THREE):                                                                        [12]
(1) Current Account and Fixed Deposit Account
(2) Organising and Directing
(3) State Commission and National Commission
(4) E-Commerce and E-Business

Q.5. Answer in brief (Any TWO):                                                                                     [8]

(1) Described any Four techniques of Scientific Management.
(2) Explain any Four needs of consumer protection
(3) Explain any Four functions of Marketing

Q.6 Justify the following statements (Any TWO) :                                                          [8]
(1) Controlling is the last function of Management
(2) Entrepreneurship is the best source for self employment
(3) Cash can be withdrawn form ATM at any time
(4) Consumers have many responsibilities

Q.7. Attempt the following (Any TWO):                                                                         [10]
1) Explain the nature  of principle of Management.
2) State money remittance service and Retail services of postal department. 
3) Explain Social Responsibility of commercial organization towards consumer.

Q.8 Answer the following (Any ONE):                                                                              [8]

1) What is Road Transport? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Road Transport.
2) Explain importance of Marketing to the Society and consumers

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