Capital  Reduction and Internal Reconstruction


In case of internal reconstruction, the company’s existing financial structure is reorganized without dissolving the existing company and forming a new company. Taking a wider meaning of the term ‘Internal Reconstruction’,

1.       Alteration of share capital under section 61

2.       Reduction of share capital under section 66

3.       Variation of shareholders Rights under section 48

4.       Scheme of Compromise/Arrangement under section 230



Legal  Requirements

The main legal requirements in connection with the alteration of share capital are summarized as under:

(a)    A company may alter the capital clause of its memorandum only if it is authorized by its articles of association to do so.

(b)    A company may alter the capital clause in the following manner:

i.                        By increasing its share capital by issue of new shares [e.g. from 1 crore to 5 crores].

ii.                      By consolidating the existing shares into shares of larger amount than its existing shares. [e.g.Conversion of shares of Rs.10 each into shares of Rs. 100 each]. iii. By sub-dividing the existing shares into shares of smaller amount than its existing shares [e.g.Converstion of shares of Rs.100 each into shares of Rs.10 each].

iv.            By converting fully paid shares into stock or vice versa.

v.              By cancelling its unissued shares.

(c)    An ordinary resolution must be passed at a general meeting.

(d)    A notice specifying alteration made must be given to the Registrar within 30 days alteration.


ACCOUNTING  ENTRIES i. For increase in Share capital

The accounting entries in each case of alteration of share capital will be under:

Example : X Ltd. issued 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each at par.


Bank                                                                     A/c   Dr

   To Equity Share Application & Allotment     A/c (Being the application money received)

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


Equity Share Application & Allotment             A/c   Dr

   To Equity Share Capital                                 A/c

(Being 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each allotted at par)

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000

ii. For Consolidation of Shares

Example : X Ltd. having 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each decided to convert the share capital into  Equity shares of Rs. 100 each.


Equity Share Capital   (Rs.10 )                           A/c   Dr    To Equity Share Capital (Rs.100)                  A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


(Being 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each converted into

1,000 shares of Rs.100 each)



iii. For Sub-division of Shares

Example : X Ltd. having 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each decided to convert the share capital into  Equity shares of Rs. 10 each.


Equity Share Capital   (Rs.100 )                           A/c   Dr    To Equity Share Capital (Rs.10)                  A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


(Being 10,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each converted into

1,000 shares of Rs.10 each)




iv. For Conversion of Shares into stock

Example : X Ltd. having 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each decided to convert the share capital into  Equity shares.


Equity Share Capital   (Rs.10 )                           A/c   Dr    To Equity Share Capital                                  A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


(Being 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each converted into Equity shares)



v. For Conversion of stock into stock

Example : X Ltd. having Equity stock of Rs.1,00,000 decides to convert the equity stock into  Equity shares capital of Rs. 10 each.


Equity Stock                                                    A/c   Dr

   To Equity Share Capital (Rs.10)                  A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


(Being equity Stock of Rs.1,00,000 converted into

10,000 shares of Rs.10 each)



vi. For Cancelling Unissued Shares

No accounting entry is required to be passed. The authorised share capital is reduced by the amount of unissued shares now cancelled.



Legal  Requirements

The main legal requirements in connection with the alteration of share capital are summaried as under:

(a)    A company limited by shares or a company limited by guarantee having a share capital may reduce its share capital only if, it is authorised by its articles of association to do so.

(b)    A company may reduce its share capital in any of the following ways:

i. By extinguishing/reducing the liability on any of its shares in respect of uncalled amount on shares. ii. By cancelling the paid up share capital which is lost or is not represented by available assets; iii. By paying off any paid up share capital, which is in excess of the requirements of the company.  (c) A special resolution must be passed at a general meeting.

(d)    A court’s order confirming the reduction must be obtained.

(e)    A certified copy of Court’s order and Minutes approved by the court must be filed with the Registrar.



The accounting entries in each case of reduction of share capital will be under:

i. For reducing the liability in respect of Uncalled amount.

Example : X Ltd. having 1,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each. Rs.60 paid up, decided to cancel the liability of member to the extent of Rs.20 per share and make shares as of Rs.80 each, Rs.60 paid up. i Equity Share Capital   ( Rs. 100 )                                     A/c   Dr Rs. 60,000 

                                  To Equity Share Capital  (Rs. 80 )                                A/c                                Rs. 60,000

(Being shares of Rs.100 each converted into shares of Rs.80 each)

                  Note The paid up share capital of the company will remain unchanged                            


ii. For paying off the surplus paid up capital

Example : A  Ltd. having 1,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid decided to repay to its members Rs.20 per share and make shares as of Rs.80 each fully paid up.


Equity Share capital  ( Rs. 100 )                                             A/c   Dr

   To Equity Share Capital ( Rs. 80 )                                     A/c

   To Sundry Members                                                          A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 80,000



(Being shares of Rs. 100 each converted into shares of Rs.80 each

And make Rs. 20 per share due to members)




Sundry Members                                               A/c   Dr

   To Bank                                                          A/c

(Being the payment made to members)

Rs. 20,000


Rs. 20,000


VARIATION  OF SHAREHOLDERS’  RIGHTS ( Section 48) Legal  Requirements

The main legal requirements for variation of shareholder’ rights are summaried as under:

(a)    If the right attached to the shares of any particulars class of shareholders are to be varied, a separate  meeting of that particular class of shareholders must be held.

(b)    The consent of the holder of at least three-fourth of the shares of the class concerned ( or a higher proportion if so required by the articles/memorandum ) must be obtained.

(c)    The holders of a least 10% of the issued shares of the class concerned whose rights are being varied, may apply to the court to have the variation cancelled within 21 days after the consent is obtained or the resolution is passed.

(d)    If such appeal is made, the variation will not have effect unless it is confirmed by the Court whose decision is final.

(e)    Notice of the variation must be filed with the Registrar within 15 days of the court’s order.



Example : X Ltd. has 1,000 10% Cum.Pref. Shares of Rs.100 each. At a class meeting of Cum.Pref. Shareholders, it was decided that the rate of dividend be reduced to 9%. In such a case following entry will be passed :


10% Cum Pref. Share Capital                                          A/c   Dr

   To 9% Cum.Pref. Share Capital                                   A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000

Example : Y Ltd. has 1,000 10% Cum.Pref. Shares of Rs.100 each. At a meeting of Cum.Pref. Shareholders, it was decided that the existing Cum. Pref. Shares be converted into Non-Cum-Pref. Shares :


10% Cum Pref. Share Capital                                          A/c   Dr

   To 10% Non-Cum.Pref. Share Capital                                   A/c

Rs. 1,00,000


Rs. 1,00,000


Model Accounting Entries  Transaction    

Accounting Entry

1.       When the face value of shares is changed       Share Capital                                    A/c    Dr

   To Share Capital                           A/c

   To Capital Reduction                   A/c

2.       When there is a reduction in share capital Share Capital                                   A/c     Dr (face value of shares is not changed)    To Capital Reduction                   A/c

3.       When any sacrifice is made by Debentureholders         Debentures                                      A/c      Dr

To Capital Reduction                      A/c

4.       When any sacrifice is made by Creditors        Creditors                                         A/c      Dr

To Capital Reduction                      A/c

5.       When the value of any asset is appreciated    Assets                                              A/c Dr

To Capital Reduction                      A/c

6.       When capital reduction is utilised for written off Capital Reduction                          A/c   Dr Fictitious assets, losses and excess value of other assets To Profit and Loss                          A/c

To Goodwill                                   A/c

To Preliminary Expenses                A/c

To Discount on Shares / Debentures A/c

To Other Assets                                A/c

To Capital Reserve                          A/c


7. When shares are consolidated

Share Capital                                  A/c    Dr To Share Capital                            A/c

8. When shares are sub-divided

Share Capital                                A/c     Dr To Share Capital                         A/c

9. When shares are converted into stock

Share Capital                                 A/c  Dr To Share Stock                              A/c

10. When shares are surrendered

Share Capital                                 A/c  Dr To Share Surrendered                    A/c

11. When surrendered shares are converted into  Preference shares

Share Surrendered                         A/c  Dr To Preference Share Capital           A/c

12. When an unrecorded liability is paid for

Capital Reduction                          A/c  Dr To Bank                                         A/c

13. When recorded liability paid for

Liability                                          A/c  Dr To Bank                                         A/c

Note: Any profit or loss should be transferred to Capital Reduction Account

14. When contingent liability is paid for

Capital Reduction                        A/c    Dr To Bank                                        A/c

15. When recorded asset is disposed off

Bank                                            A/c      Dr  To Asset                                       A/c

Note : Any Profit of Loss should be transferred to Capital Reduction A/c


16. When an unrecorded asset is sold off

Bank                                          A/c        Dr 

To Capital Reduction                A/c

17. When reconstruction expenses are paid

Capital Reduction                     A/c        Dr To Bank                                        A/c

18. When finance is raised by issue of shares

Bank                                           A/c       Dr  To Share Capital                         A/c

Note :  a.   Capital Reduction Account should not leave any balance

            b.   Capital Reduction Account may be called Reconstruction Account

19. When arrears of preference dividend are cancelled

No Entry

20. When arrears of preference dividend are settled by issue of deposit certificates/cash/shares

Capital Reduction                     A/c Dr

To Deposit Certificates/cash/ Share Cap.A/c

21. When new Debentures are exchanged for old Debentures

Old Debentures                        A/c Dr To New Debentures                 A/c

22. When the rate of Preference Dividend is increased

Preference Share Capital          A/c Dr To Preference Share Capital     A/c

23. When assets are taken over by loan creditors

Loan Creditors                         A/c Dr  To Asset                                    A/c

24. When provision for taxation capital reserve/ securities premium is utilised

Provision for Taxation A/c / Capital Reserve

A/c / Share Premium              Dr 

To Capital Reduction           A/c

25. When Surrendered shares are issued to creditors

a.        Shares Surrendered A/c Dr

To Share Capital     A/c

b.       Creditors                A/c Dr

To Capital Reduction A/c

26. When Surrendered shares are cancelled

Share Surrendered                 A/c Dr To Capital Reduction               A/c

27. When penalty is paid

Capital Reduction                A/c  Dr To Bank                                A/c

28. When claim is recovered against contingent liability

Bank                                     A/c Dr

To Capital Reduction               A/c

29. When Directors refund their fees

Bank                                    A/c Dr

To Capital Reduction              A/c

30. When Debentureholders takeover some assets/shares are issued to them

Debentures                          A/c Dr

To Assets                             A/c

To Debentures                      A/c

31. When Preference Share Capital is exchanged for Equity Shares / Debentures

Debentures                         A/c Dr

To Equity Share Capital     A/c

To Debentures                   A/c

32. When Calls are made

Share Call                         A/c Dr To Share  Capital             A/c

33. When Calls are collected

Bank                                 A/c Dr To Share Call                     A/c

34. When shares are forfeited

Share Capital                    A/c Dr

To Forfeited Shares           A/c To Calls in Arrears            A/c

35. When forfeited shares are reissued

Bank                                  A/c Dr

To Forfeited shares               A/c

To Share Capital                 A/c


Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentence

1.  Capital reduction is implemented per Section _____ of Companies Act.

a)       77 b) 75 c) 80 d) 66

2.  The scheme of capital reduction is to be approved by _____.

a)       High Court b) SEBI  c) Central Government d) Shareholders 3. The scheme of internal reconstruction involves _____ company.

                a) one b) two c) three d) many                                                                            (October, 2014)

4. Fictitious assets are to be transferred to _____.

a) internal reconstruction b) security premium c) share capital d) capital reserve 5. Balance in Capital Reduction should be transferred to _____.

a) security premium b) capital reserve c) share capital d) Profit & Loss Account

6.  The cancellation of contingent liability is _____ for company

a)       profit b) loss c) no profit – no loss d) nil

7.  The payment for contingent liability should be debited to _____.

a)       capital reduction b) capital reserve 8. “And Reduced” words are to be shown as in Balance Sheet as per _____ requirement.

a) company law b) AS c) income tax d) stock exchange

9.      XYZ Ltd. had on 31st December, 2008; 80,000 equity shares at Rs.10 each. It was decided to reduce shares to Rs.8 each. The reduction is _____.

a)                  Rs.1,60,000 b) Rs.80,000 c) Rs.2,00,000 d) Rs.1,50,000

10.  Creditors of the company are Rs. 50,00,000 one creditor for Rs.20,00,000 decided to forego 40% of his claim. He is allotted 30,000 equity shares of Rs. 40 each in full satisfaction. The amount transferred to capital reduction is _____.   a) Rs. 8,00,000 b) Rs.10,00,000 c) Rs.4,00,000 d) Rs.5,00,000

11.  The preference shareholders agree to forego arrears of preference dividend of Rs.72,000. The amount transferred to Capital Reduction Account is _____.

a)                  Nil b) Rs.72,000 c) Rs.36,000 d) Rs.70,000

12.  Creditors are ` 3,00,000. They are given the option to either accept 50% of their claim in cash in full settlement or to convert their claim in to equity shares of Rs.10 each. Creditors of   Rs . 2,00,000 opt for shares in satisfaction of the claim. Capital reduction Account is credited by  _____.

a)                  Rs. 1,00,000 b) Rs.1,50,000 c) Rs. 50,000 d) Rs. 2,00,000

13.  Investment costing of Rs. 24,000 given to Bank for bank overdraft of Rs.16,800. The capital reduction is debited by  _____.   a) Rs.4,000 b) Rs.8,000  c) Rs.7,200 d) Rs. 4,500

14.  Y Ltd. has 8,000 equity shares of ` 100 each fully paid. Each share is sub-divided into 10 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The number of shares after sub-division will be_____.

a)                  8,000 b) 80,000 c) 75,000 d) 60,000

15.  Provision for taxation is ` 1,00,000. The tax liability of the company is settled at Rs.80,000 & it is paid immediately. Amount credited to capital reduction is _____.

a)                  Rs. 80,000 b) Rs.1,00,000 c) Rs.20,000 d) Rs. 60,000

16.  6% Debentures of Rs.100 each Rs.1,00,000 to be converted into such number of 8% Debentures of ` 50 each as to generate the same amount of interest as before. The amount of 8% debentures will be _____. 

a)                  Rs.1,00,000 b) Rs.25,000 c) Rs.75,000 d) Rs. 1,20,000

17.  In internal reconstruction, method of calculation of purchase consideration is by_____.

a)                  Net Asset Method b) Net Payment Method c) no purchase consideration required d) none of the above 18. On internal reconstruction, assets are written off except _____.

a) land & building b) goodwill c) preliminary expenses d) Profit & Loss Account 19. Payment of reconstruction expenses is debited to _____.

a) Profit & Loss Account b) Capital Reduction Account c) Cash Account d) Goodwill Account 20. The Court Confirmation Order may direct the management to add to its name ____.

a) limited b) unlimited c) and reduced d) none of the above

21. Credit balance on Capital Reduction Account is utilised for _____.

a) issue of bonus shares b) writing off fictitious assets c) paying shareholders d) none of the above 22. The scheme of internal reconstruction requires sanction from _____.

a) shareholders b) A/A c) Court d) all the above

23.  Internal Reconstruction is governed by section _____.

a)      494 b) 801 c) 804 d) 809

24.  Surrender of fully paid shares amounts to _____.

a)      Alteration of share capital b) Reduction of share capital c) Arrangement d) Variation of shareholder's rights 25. Debentureholders accepting less than the face value of their debentures amounts to _____.

a) Compromise b) Reduction of share capital c) Alteration of share capital d) Variation of shareholder's rights 26. Creditors accepting part payment of their claims amounts to _____.

a) Reduction of Share Capital c) Compromise b) Variation of Shareholders Rights d) Alteration of share capital

27. Share Capital A/c Dr. (Rs100)

      To Share Capital A/c (Rs.10)

The above entry in the scheme of reconstruction records :

a) Consolidation of share capital                 b) Sub-division of share capital 

c) Conversion of shares into stock              d) Conversion of stock into shares 28. In Internal Reconstruction _____.

a) Only one company is liquidated                b) One or more companies are liquidated.

c) Two or more companies are liquidated.    d) No company is liquidated.   (March, 2012) 29. Reduction in Share capital of a company means reduction in _____.

a) Paid up capital b) Called up capital c) Authorized capital d) Uncalled capital

30. Share Capital A/c Dr. (Rs.10)                To Share Capital A/c (Rs. 100) The above entry is the entry of _____.

a) Sub-division of share capital b) Consolidation of share capital c) Internal reconstruction d) Amalgamation 31. A Ltd. company may alter its share capital to _____.

a) Increase reserve capital b) Sub-divide share capital c) Consolidate share capital d) b and c

32. The existing 1,000 shares of Rs. 100 each altered to 10,000 shares of Rs.10 each is _____.  a) Consolidation b) Sub-division c) Conversion d) Surrender 33. Balance on Capital Reduction is utilized to _____.

a) Write off preliminary expenses c) Pay dissentient shareholders b) Issue bonus shares d) None of the above 34. Internal Reconstruction requires _____.

a) Ordinary resolution passed at General meeting b) Special resolution passed at General meeting

c) Special resolution passed at Board meeting      d) Ordinary resolution passed at Board meeting 35. Capital Reduction requires _____.

a) Court order b) Order of the Registrar  c) Order of the SEBI d) Order of stock exchange 36. Amicable settlement of differences by mutual consent by parties is _____.

a) Arrangement b) Compromise c) Confirmation d) Merger

37. Re-arrangement of rights or liabilities without any dispute is _____.

a) Amalgamation b) Arrangement c) Compromise d) Merger 38. Creditors foregoing their claims in whole or in part is _____.

a) Compromise b) Arrangement c) Consolidation d) Sub-division

39. Consolidation and sub-division of shares result in ___ (Reduction in share capital / Alteration in share capital)

(April, 2015)



State whether the following statements are True or False after rewriting the sentence

1. Capital reduction and internal reconstruction is synonym. True 2. Capital reduction is one variety of capital restructuring. True

3.      Consolidation of shares result in profit for a company.

4.      Sub-division of shares result in gain for a company.

5.      Fictitious balances are to be transferred to Capital Reduction Account.

6.      Accounting for unrecorded assets and appreciation of assets results in credit to Reconstruction Account. True

7.      Provision for unrecorded liability indicates loss to a company. True

8.      Accounting for internal and external reconstruction is in identical manner.

9.      The reduction in paid up value should not be coupled with reduction in face value of shares.

10.  If shareholders surrender shares to the company, it is capital profit to the company.

11.  Re-classification of surrendered shares should not be accounted. True

12.  Cancellation of contingent liability is treated as profit to the company.

13.  Transfer of assets to creditors at book value is benefit to the company.

14.  The expenses for scheme should be debited to preliminary expenses.

15.  Statutory reserve can be utilized to set-off loss under the scheme

16.  The final accounts prepared after reconstruction should be suffixed by words “and reduced”. True

17.  The requirements of Schedule VI is to be complied while preparing account after internal reconstruction. True

18.  Authorised share capital is to be reduced to the extent of capital reduction.

19 Internal reconstruction scheme cannot be prepared to cover capital reconstruction.

20.  The debit balance in capital reduction should be transferred to Goodwill Account. True 

21.  Credit balance on Capital Reduction Account is utilised to write off accumulated losses.

22.  After internal reconstruction, Balance Sheet of a company cannot reflect true and fair view. 23. Profit on sale of asset is credited to Capital Reduction Account. True

24.  A company cannot subdivide shares.

25.  Only sick companies undertake capital reduction. True

26.  No journal entry is required for cancellation of unissued share capital. True (October, 2014) 27. Central Government permission is required for internal reconstruction.

28.  Amount scarified by shareholders in a scheme of reconstruction is transferred to Capital Reserve Account.

29.  Securities Premium Account can be transferred to Capital Reduction Account. True 30. The object of reconstruction is to reorganise capital of the company. True

31. Internal Reconstruction is governed by section 809 of the Company Law. 32. Creditors accepting part payment of their claims is a compromise. True

33.  Capital Reduction A/c balance is utilized for issue of bonus shares.

34.  Internal Reconstruction requires ordinary Resolution of the Board of Directors.

35.  Capital Reduction requires court order. True

36.  Creditors foregoing the claim is an arrangement. True 

37.  Amicable settlement of differences by mutual consent by parties is a merger.

38.  A company going for internal reconstruction must add the words, and reduced after its name.

39.  No new company is formed at the time of internal reconstruction of companies. True (April, 2015)

40.  There is no difference between Internal and External Reconstruction of companies. ( October, 2015) THEORY QUESTIONS - SHORT NOTES

1.  Need for internal reconstruction.

2.  Alteration of Share capital.

3.  Consolidation of share capital.

4.  Sub-division of share capital.

5.  Conversion of shares into stock.

6.  Capital Reduction.

7.  Surrender of shares.



1.  What is Internal Reconstruction?

2.  Why is Internal Reconstruction needed?

3.  What is consolidation of Share Capital?

4.  What is sub-division of Share Capital?

5.  What is surrender of shares?

6.  To which A/c balance on Capital Reduction A/c is transferred?

7.  Why, the words 'And Reduced' added to the name of the company after reconstruction?

8.  What is alteration of share capital?


Problem No. 1. Following is the Balance Sheet of Virat Ltd. as on 31/03/2018

                                                                    Liabilities                                              Rs.                       Assets                        Rs.

                                 Equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up                     10,00,000     Goodwill                           4,00,000

                                 15% Preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up       5,00,000     Land                                   3,00,000

                                 15% Debentures                                                                   4,00,000     Plant and Machinery       1,80,000

                                 Interest Accrued on above Dentures                                    60,000     Furniture and fittings      2,00,000

                                 Unsecured Loans                                                                  1,00,000     Stock                                      90,000

                                 Bank Overdraft                                                                        40,000     Sundry Receivables            53,000

                                 Sundry Payables                                                                      75,000     Profit and Loss A/c          9,77,000

                                 Payable to Directors                                                                25,000                                                                   

                                                                                                                                22,00,000                                               22,00,000

A scheme of reconstruction has been agreed amongst all the stakeholders of Virat Ltd. and approved by the court, which is as follows:

1.       Intangible and fictitious assets are to be fully written off.

2.       Land is revalued at 500% more than the book value.

3.       There was an unrecorded asset of Rs.10,000 which was sold for Rs.60,000.

4.       Equity Shares are to be reduced by Rs.4 each fully paid up.

5.       15% Preference Shares are reduced to Rs.4 each fully paid up.

6.       Debenture holders waived 50% of the outstanding interest on debentures.

7.       30% of the sundry payables are reduced to the extent of 30% of book value.

8.       Directors waived 90% of the amount payable to them by the company.

9.       Stock and Sundry receivables are reduced by 20% and 10% of their book values, respectively.

10.    Plant and Machinery is reduced to 70% of its book value.

11.    Furniture and Fitting to be reduced by 70%.

12.    40% of the unsecured loans are reduced by 60%.

You are required to prepare only capital reduction account assuming that the above scheme of reconstruction has been

        implemented by the company.                                                                                                  (March, 2012, April 2017)


mProblem No. 2. Following is the Balance Sheet of Ajay Ltd. as on 31/03/2018





Equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up




9% Preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up




10% Debentures


Plant and Machinery


Interest Accrued on above Dentures


Furniture and fittings


Unsecured Loans




Bank Overdraft




Sundry Creditors


Profit and Loss A/c






A scheme of reconstruction has been agreed amongst all the stakeholders of Ajay Ltd. and approved by the court, which is as follows:

i.     Intangible and fictitious assets are to be fully written off. ii. Equity Shares are to be reduced by Rs.4 each fully paid up. iii. Debenture holders waived 50% of the outstanding interest on debentures. iv. 80% of the unsecured loans are reduced by 40%.

v.       Directors gave Rs.30,000 to the company on non-refundable basis.

vi.     Plant and Machinery is reduced to Rs.1,20,000.

vii.    Stock and Sundry receivables are reduced by Rs.15,000 and 20% of their book values, respectively. viii. Furniture and Fitting to be reduced by Rs.63,000. ix. Land is appreciated by 300%.

x.       There was an unrecorded asset which was sold for Rs.20,000.

xi.     There was an unrecorded asset of Rs.10,000 which was sold for Rs.60,000.

xii.    50% of the sundry creditors are reduced to the extent of 50% of their book value.

You are required to prepare only capital reduction account assuming that the above scheme of reconstruction has been

        implemented by the company.                                                                                                   


sProblem 3. The Balance Sheet of Dirty Ltd. as on 31st March, 2022 appeared as follows


(October, 2012)

                                                        Liabilities                                                Rs.                       Assets                       Rs.

                  2000-9% Preference Shares of Rs.100 each, fully paid       200000     Goodwill                             167000

                  60000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each, fully paid                     600000     Land & Building               300000

                  11% Debentures                                                                          400000     Plant and Machinery         215000

                  Interest Accrued on above Debentures                                     44000    Investment                            75000

                 Unsecured Loans                                                                         260000     Stock                                   210000

                 Interest Accrued on above Unsecured Loans                           30000     Bank                                       45000

                  Current Liabilities                                                                      166000     Preliminary Expenses         26000

                                                                                                                                            Profit and Loss A/c           353000

                                                                                                                       1700000                                                1700000

A scheme of reconstruction has been agreed amongst the shareholders and the creditors and approved by the court with the following salient features.

a)       Equity Shares are to be reduced to Rs.3 each fully paid.

b)       9% Preference shareholders have agreed to accept 12% Debentures of Face Value of Rs.1,20,000,issued at par, in full satisfaction of their claims.

c)       Interest due on unsecured loans is paid at 40% discount.

d)       Interest accrued on 11% Debentures is paid at 50% discount.

e)       40% of current liabilities are to be reduced to 75% and balance 60% to be reduced to 80%.

f)        20% of stock is obsolete which is sold at 40% of book value.

g)       Goodwill, Preliminary Expenses and Debit Balance in the Profit and Loss Account is to be written off, Rs.33,000 should be provided for doubtful debts and the value of fixed assets should be appreciated by 10%. h) Cost of reconstruction paid Rs.16,820.

Prepare the Capital Reduction Account and Redraft the Balance Sheet of the company assuming that above scheme of

reconstruction has been implemented by the company.                                                                                               (March, 2011)


sProblem 4. Following is the summarised Balance sheet of Risky Ltd. as on 31st March, 2022:





10% Preference shares of Rs.10 each




Equity Shares of Rs.10 each


Plant and Machinery


5% Debentures of Rs.100 each




Sundry Creditors




Bank Overdrafts




Other Liabilities


Deposits and Advances




Preliminary Expenses




Profit and loss Account (Dr. Balance)







Note : Preference dividend is in arrears for 3 years.

A scheme of reconstruction is prepared and approved by the authorities.

The salient features of the scheme are:

1.Plant and Machinery have book value of Rs.1,60,000 is obsolete. This is sold as scarp for Rs.32,000.

2.The Depreciation on plant and machinery is to be provided to the extent of Rs.80,000.

3.Stock includes items valued at Rs.96000 which are sold at a loss of 50%.

4.The present realizable value of investments is Rs.1,12,000.

5.Arrears of Preference Dividend is not payable.

6.Reconstruction expenses were Rs.16,000.

7.The paid up value of equity shares is to be reduced to Rs.2 per share and preference shares to Rs.5 per share. However , the face value of both equity and preference shares remain unchanged. 

8. The creditors’ dues are settled as  (a) 20%immediate payment in cash

(b)  40% amount is cancelled

(c)  40% paid by issue of 6% debentures.

9.     Other liabilities of Rs.80,000 is be cancelled.

10.  A call of Rs.3 per shares on equity shares is made and received.

You are required to pass Journal Entries in the books of Risky Ltd. to record the above transactions.  ( October, 2015)


mProblem No. 5. The following is the Balance Sheet of M/s Sonam Ltd. as on 31st March, 2012

                                                         Liabilities                                   Rs.                            Assets                            Rs.

                                 10% Preference Shares of Rs.10 each       5,00,000     Goodwill                                    2,00,000

                                 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each                     10,00,000     Land & Building                    10,00,000

                                 Creditors                                                         2,00,000     Investments                               5,00,000

                                 10% Debentures                                            2,00,000     Publicity Campaign Exps.      4,00,000

                                 Other Liability                                               7,00,000     Stocks                                         4,00,000

                                                                                                                               Preliminary Expenses              1,00,000

                                                                                                        26,00,000                                                        26,00,000

The following scheme of reconstruction was sanctioned:

1.       Each existing equity shares will be written down from Rs.10 to Rs.4.

2.       Each existing 10% Preference shares is to be written down from Rs.10 to Rs.8 of which Rs.4 will be represented by 12% Preference shares of Rs.4 by equity shares.

3.       10% Debenture holders agree to waive 20% of right.

4.       Assets revalued as under:

Land and Building Rs.12,00,000,   Stock to be reduced by 20%.

5.       Creditors due are settled as:

a)       20% immediate payment

b)       40% amount cancelled

c)       40% paid by issue of 16% Debentures

6.       All fictitious and Intangibles assets written off.

7.       10,000 Equity shares of Rs.6 each were issued to public for cash.

You are required to prepare

(a)     Capital Reduction Account

(b)    Balance Sheet of Sonam Limited after reconstruction.


mProblem 6. The following is the summary Balance Sheet of Sandeep Limited as on 31st March, 2018:





10% Preference Shares of Rs.100 each




Equity Shares of Rs.10 each




12% Debentures 




Bank Overdraft


Plant & Machinery


Sundry Creditors


Stock in Trade


Bills payable


Sundry Debtors




Bills Receivable (Trade)




Profit and Loss Account




Share issue Expenses






The preference dividend is in arrear for four years. The following scheme of capital reduction was sanctioned by the court agreed by the shareholders.

i.The preference shares are to be reduced to Rs.50 each and equity shares to Rs. 2 each, both being fully paidThe IDBI has agreed to apply for Rs.500000 of Equity Shares paying cash in full on application. ii. of the preference dividend in arrears three-fourth to be waived and remained to be paid in cash. iii.The debenture holders to take over plant and machinery at Rs.6,50,000 in part satisfaction of their claim. The remaining claim should be converted into 14% Debenturers. iv.Creditors agreed to reduce their claim by Rs.20,000. Bills Payable to be paid immediately.

v.Goodwill , patents, profit and loss Ac and share issue expenses are to be written off entirely. vi.The following assets are to be revalued as under : Furniture Rs.25,000, Stock in Trade Rs.66,000, Land and Building Rs.5,80,000, Sundry Debtors Rs.80,000. vii.A secured loan of Rs.1,50,000 at 12% per annum is to be obtained by mortgaging Land and Building for repayment of Bank overdraft, bills payable and reconstruction expenses Rs.15,000.

Pass journal entires to record above scheme and draft the balance sheet of Sandeep Limited after reconstruction.


mProblem 7. Following is the Balance Sheet of Paramount Ltd. as on 31.03.2005





Share Capital

6000-8% Preference Shares of Rs.100 each

50000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each




Fixed Assets:


Patents Trademarks 




Reserve & Surplus : Capital Reserves




Plant and Machinery Furniture




Secured Loans :

5% Debentures of Rs.100 each

Debentures Interest Due




Current Assets, Loans & Advance:





Current Liabilities & Provisions: Sundry Creditors



Sundry Debtors Cash









Miscellaneous Expenditure




Discount on Debentures




Profit and loss Account






Note: Preference Dividend is in arrears for three years.

The following scheme of reconstruction was prepared and duly approved by the court.

(1)    The Preference Shares shall be converted into equal Number of 9% Preference Shares of Rs.50 each.

(2)    The equity shares shall be reduced to Rs.3 each. However, the face value will remain the same.

(3)    5% Debentures shall be converted into equal number of 6% Debentures of Rs.75 each. The Debenture holders also agreed to waive 50% of the accrued interest.

(4)    Arrears of Preference Dividend is to be reduced to one year’s dividend which is paid in cash.

(5)    The Sundry Creditors agreed to waive 30% of their claims and to accept Equity shares for Rs.30000 in part settlement of their renewed claims.

(6)    The assets are to be revalued as under:

Building Rs.350000, Plant  & Machinery Rs.250000, Furniture Rs.80000, Stock Rs.100000, Sundry Debtors Rs.70000.

(7)    Intangible assets and fictitious assets are to be written off:

Pass Journal Entries, Prepare Capital Reduction Account and Balance Sheet after Reconstruction in the books of the Paramount Ltd. 

                                                                                                                                                                ( October, 2006, May 2019 )