क्या आप ने बोर्ड से पहले Organisation of Commerce & Management Practice Test Paper Solve किए? : Practice Test Paper-1


HSC Maharashtra State Board 

 Practice Test Paper

Sub: Bk                                                                         Marks: 50 Marks

Time:                                                                             Date: 


Q.1 A. Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.     [3 Marks]

A) Principle of ___________ is based on 'A place for everything and everything in its place'.

a)     Discipline

b)    order

c)     equity


B) The functions of management end with __________.

a)     directing

b)    staffing

c)     Controlling


C) The word 'entrepreneur' is derived from the _________ word 'entreprendre'

a)     Japanese

b)    English

c)     French


Q.1.B. Match the pair:                                                                     [3 Marks]

Group 'A'

Group 'B'

A. Scientific Management Theory

1. It is the process of instructing, guiding, communicating, and motivating.

B. Agro tourism

2. Old methods of production

C. Directing

3. 2019

4. Self-motivated


5. Decides the ways and means to achieve what has been planned


6. F.W. Taylor


7. Latest knowledge


8. Rural tourism


Q.1.C. Give one word/phrase/term for the following statement. [3 Marks]

a)     The technique of observing and recording the time required by an employee to complete a given task.

b)    A person who shows the correct path as well as guides employees in solving the problems.

c)     The principle which is based on 'a place for everything and everything in its place'.


Q.1.D. State whether the following statement is true or false.        [3 Marks]

a)     Management principles are applied differently under different situations.

b)    An entrepreneur should not be ready to work hard.

c)     Standards are not set for every performance in controlling function.


Q.1.E Find the Odd one out:                                                            [2 Marks]

a)     Innovation, Lack of communication, Development of market, Determining the objectives

b)    Fatigue Study, Principle of Unity of Command, Work Study, Motion Study


Q.2 A. Answer in one sentence.                                                       [3 Marks]

a)     What is standardization of tools and equipments?

b)    What is Subordination of individual interest into organizational interest?

c)     Who described 'Entrepreneurship' as the founding of a private enterprise?


Q.2 B. Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence.                                                                                                        [3 Marks]

a)     Directing is a function of comparing the actual performance with the predetermined performance.

b)    Entrepreneurs try to make home a better place where the needs of consumers can be satisfied.

c)     The loan taken under the stand-up India scheme is repayable in ten years.


Q.2.C. Explain the following term/concept. (Any 2)                     [4 Marks]

a)     Differential Piece Rate System

b)    Intrapreneur

c)     Organizing

Q.2.D. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.                                                                                                                [6 Marks]

A) In XYZ Company, Mr. Lele gives instructions to the employees working under him, provides guidance, and motivates them for their best performance. On the other hand, Mr.Sayyad takes effort to harmonize the work done by the employees of different departments while achieving organizational goals. Mr.Desai is looking after the arrangement of the required resources for the business organization. Mention the name of an employee engaged in the following functions:

i. Organization

ii. Direction

iii. Coordination


B) Mr. Soham is a young MBA degree holder, Mr. Navin is a B.Com graduate. Mr. Soham is willing to start a dairy farm at his village. Mr. Navin is willing to work as a cashier in a Private Company.

i) Find out the dream of Soham and Navin.

ii) State anyone feature of Entrepreneur.

iii) To become a successful entrepreneur, which qualities Mr. Soham should have?


C) In 'Fine Diamonds Ltd.' 200 employees are working in three shifts. In the first shift 60 employees, in the second shift 60 employees, and in the third shift 80 employees are working without sufficient breaks except for lunch break and shift change break. No employee is able to complete the work in designated time due to inappropriate time management which results in delay for next shift employees.

i) Identify which scientific principle needs to be followed by the company.

ii) Suggest two scientific techniques which can be used for smooth flow of work in 'Fine Diamonds Ltd. '

iii) Why the work is not being completed in time?


Q.3 Answer in brief. (Any 2)                                                   [8 Marks]

a)     Describe any four techniques of scientific management?

b)    Define entrepreneur. Explain the functions of entrepreneur.

c)     Describe any five points of importance of staffing

d)    Management principles are helpful in optimum utilization of resources.


Q.4 Distinguish between. (Any 2)                                                    [6 Marks]

a)     Co-ordinating and controlling

b)    Staffing and directing

c)     Planning and Controlling

Q.5 Attempt the following. (Any 1)                                                 [8 Marks]

a)     Explain in detail any five Henry Fayol's principles of management given by Henry Fayol.

b)    Explain the characteristics of Entrepreneurship Development?

c)     Define the term controlling and explain the importance of controlling.



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