Chapter-5 Forms of Market

 Chapter 5 

Forms of Markets

Sr. No.

Name of Chapter


Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics


Utility Analysis

3 A

Demand Analysis

3 B

Elasticity of Demand


Supply Analysis


Form of Markets


Index Numbers


National Income


Public Financial in India


Money Market and Capital Market in India



Q. 1. A) Choose the correct option :

1) In economic sense, market includes following activities

a) The place where goods are sold and purchased.

b) An arrangement through which buyers and sellers come in close contact with each other directly or indirectly.

c) A shop where goods are sold.

d) All of the above.

Options :1) a and b

2) b and c

 3) a, b and c

4) only d

Ans: 4) only d

2) Classification of markets on the basis of place

a) Local market, National market, International market

b) Very short period market, Local market, National market.

c) Short period market, National market, International market.

d) Local market, National market, Short period market.

Options : 1) a, b and c

2) b, c and d

 3) only a

4) a and d

Ans:  3) only a

3) Homogeneous product is a feature of this market.

a) Monopoly

b) Monopolistic competition

c) Perfect competition

d) Oligopoly

Options :1) c and d

2) a, b and c

 3) a, c and d

4) only c

Ans: 4) only c

4) Under Perfect competition, sellers are

a) Price makers

b) Price takers

c) Price discriminators

d) None of these

Options :1) a, b and c

2) only b

 3) only c

4) a and c

Ans: 2) only b

Q. 2. Give economic terms :

1) The market where there are few sellers.

Ans: Oligopoly

2) The point where demand and supply curve intersect.

Ans: Equilibrium Point

3) The cost incurred by the firm to promote sales.

Ans: Selling cost

4) Number of firms producing identical product.

Ans: Industry

5) Charging different prices to different consumers for the same product or services.

Ans: Price discrimination

Q. 3. Complete the Correlation :

1) Perfect competition : Free entry and exit ::  Monopoly : Barriers to entry.

2) Price taker : Perfect competition :: Price maker :: Monopoly.

3) Single price : Perfect competition :: Discriminated prices : Monopoly

Q. 4. Find the odd word out :

1) Selling cost : Free gifts, Advertisement hoardings, Window displays, Patents.

Ans: Patents

2) Market structure on the basis of competition : Monopoly, Oligopoly, Very Short Period market, Perfect competition.

Ans: Very short Period Market

3) Features of monopoly : Price maker, Entry barriers, Many sellers, Lack of substitutes.

Ans: Many sellers

4) Legal monopoly : Patent, OPEC, Copyright, Trade mark.


Q. 5. Answer the following :

1) Explain the features of Oligopoly.


Meaning :-  The term oligopoly is derived from the Greek words ‘Oligo’ which means few and ‘poly’ which means sellers. It is that market where there are a few firms (sellers) in the market producing either a homogeneous product or a differentiated product. For example, mobile service providers, cement companies etc. 

Features of oligopoly : 

 1) Few firms or sellers : Under oligopoly market, there are few firms or sellers. These few firms dominate the market and enjoy a considerable control over the price of a product. 

 2) Interdependence : The seller has to be cautious with respect to any action taken by the competing firms. Since there are few sellers in the market, if any firm makes the change in the price, all other firms in the industry also try to follow the same to remain in the competition. 

 3) Advertising : Advertising is a powerful instrument in the hands of oligopolist. A firm under oligopoly can start an aggressive and attractive advertising campaign with the intention of capturing a large part of market. 

 4) Entry barriers : The firm can easily exit from the industry whenever it wants. But has to face certain entry barriers such as Government licence, patents etc. 

 5) Lack of uniformity : There is a lack of uniformity among the firms in terms of their size. Some firms may be small while others may be of bigger size. 

 6) Uncertainty : There is a considerable element of uncertainty in this type of market due to different behaviour patterns. Rivals may join hands and co-operate or may try to fight each other

2) Explain the types of Monopoly.


Meaning and Definition : The term monopoly is derived from the Greek word ‘Mono’ which means single and ‘poly’ which means seller. Monopoly is a market in which there is only one seller who controls the entire market supply for a product which has no close substitute. 

 According to E. H. Chamberlin, “Monopoly refers to a single firm which has control over the supply of a product which has no close substitute.”

Following are some of the types of monopoly : 

 1) Private monopoly : When an individual or private body controls a monopoly firm it is known as private monopoly. For example, Tata Group. 

 2) Public monopoly : When the production is solely owned, controlled and operated by the Government, it is known as public monopoly. It is usually welfare oriented. For example, Indian Railways. 

 3) Legal monopoly : This monopoly emerges on account of legal provisions like patents, trade mark, copyrights etc. The law forbids the potential competitors to imitate the design or form of the product registered under given branded names. For example, Amul products. 

 4) Natural monopoly : The monopoly created on the basis of natural conditions like climate, rainfall, specific location etc. is known as natural monopoly. For example, wheat from Punjab. 

 5) Simple monopoly : In simple monopoly, seller or a firm charges a uniform price for its product to all the buyers. 

 6) Discriminating monopoly : In discriminating monopoly, firm charges different prices to different buyers for the same product. For example, doctor charges different fees to different patients. 

 7) Voluntary monopoly : To avoid cut throat competition, some monopolists voluntarily come together and form a group of monopolists. This facilitates them to maximize the profit. For example, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Q. 6. Observe the table and answer the questions :

Price in Rs.

Demand (in dozen)

Supply (in dozen)

Relation between DD and SS





















1) Fill in the blanks in the above schedule.


Price in Rs.

Demand (in dozen)

Supply (in dozen)

Relation between DD and SS





















2) Derive the equilibrium price from the above schedule with the help of a suitable diagram.


Q. 7. Answer in detail :

1) Explain the meaning of Monopolistic competition with its features.


Meaning and Definition : 

Monopolistic competition is very realistic in nature. In this market there are some features of perfect competition and some features of monopoly acting together. Prof. E. H. Chamberlin coined this concept in his book “Theory of Monopolistic Competition” which was published in 1933. 

 According to Chamberlin, “Monopolistic competition refers to competition among a large number of sellers producing close but not perfect substitutes.” 

 Following are the main features of monopolistic competition : 

 1) Fairly large number of sellers : In monopolistic competition, the number of sellers is large but comparatively it is less than that of perfect competition. Due to this reason sellers’ behaviour is like monopoly.

2) Fairly large number of buyers : In this market there are fairly large number of buyers. Consequently, no single buyer can influence the price of the product by changing his individual demand. 

 3) Product differentiation : Product differentiation is the main feature of monopolistic competition. In this market, there are many firms producing a particular product, but the product of each firm is in some way differentiated from the product of every other firm in the market. This is known as product differentiation. Product differentiation may take the form of brand names, trade marks, peculiarity of package or container, shape, quality, cover, design, colour etc. This means that the product of a firm may find close substitutes and its cross elasticity of demand is very high. For example, mobile handsets, cold drinks etc. 

 4) Free entry and exit : Under monopolistic competition there is freedom of entry and exit, that is new firms are free to enter the market if there is profit. Similarly, they can leave the market, if they find it difficult to survive. 

 5) Selling Cost : Selling cost are peculiar to monopolistic competition only. It refers to the cost incurred by the firm to create more demand for its product and thus increase the volume of sales. It includes expenditure on advertisements, readio and television broadcasts, hoardings, exhibitions, window display, free gifts, free samples etc. 

 6) Close substitutes : In monopolistic competition, goods have close substitutes to each other. For example, different brands of soaps, toothpastes etc. 

 7) Concept of group : Under monopolistic competition, Chamberlin introduced the concept of ‘Group’ in place of industry. Industry means the number of firms producing identical products. A ‘Group’ means a number of firms producing differentiated products which are closely related. For example, group of firms producing medicines, automobiles etc. 

2) Explain the meaning of Perfect competition with its features.


Meaning and Definition : 

Perfect competition is an ideal and imaginary concept of market rather than an actual market. According to Mrs. Joan Robinson, “Perfect competition prevails when the demand for the output of each producer is perfectly elastic.”

Following are the features of Perfect Competition : 

 1) Large number of sellers and buyers : Under perfect competitions, there are large number of sellers and buyers. As mentioned earlier, each seller forms a negligible part in the total market. Hence, none of them is in a position to influence the price and supply in the market. Thus, sellers are price takers under perfect competition. The number of buyers is also large. The share of each buyer is so negligible that none of them is in a position to influence the price in the market. 

 2) Homogeneous product : An important feature of a perfectly competitive market is that the product sold is homogeneous or identical in respect of size, design, colour, taste etc. All the products are perfect substitutes to each other. 

 3) Free entry and exit : There are no barriers to the entry and exit of firms. Any firm can enter or quit the industry at its own will. If there is hope of profit, the firm will enter the market and if there is possibility of loss the firm will leave the market. 

 4) Single price : A single uniform price prevails under perfect competition which is determined by the interaction of demand and supply. 

5) Perfect knowledge of market : The buyers and sellers possess a perfect knowledge about the market conditions. Every seller and buyer has the knowledge about price, quality, source of supply of products etc. 

 6) Perfect mobility of factors of production : There is perfect mobility of factors of production under perfect competition. Labour and capital are mobile not only geographically but also occupationally. 

 7) Absence of transport cost : In perfect competition, price is uniform because we assume that transport cost does not exist. This assumption will lead to uniformity in price.

8) No government intervention : Laissez-faire policy is an important feature of perfect competition. It means there is absence of Government intervention in economic activities. 


Choose the Correct Option


5 Marks


Complete the Correction


5 Marks


Give Economic Term


5 Marks


Find the Odd Word


5 Marks


Complete the following Statements


5 Marks


Assertion and Reasoning Questions


5 Marks


Identify and Explain the Concepts


6 Marks


Distinguish Between


6 Marks


Answer in Brief


12 Marks


State with Reasons, Do you Agree/ Disagree


12 Marks


Table, Diagram, Passage Based Questions


8 Marks


Answer in Detail


16 Marks

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