12th HSC Board
Find the odd word
Economics |
1. | Choose the Correct Option | 5 Marks | |
2 | Complete the Correction | 5 Marks | |
3 | Give Economic Term | 5 Marks | |
4 | Find the Odd Word | 5 Marks | |
5 | Complete the following Statements | 5 Marks | |
6 | Assertion and Reasoning Questions | 5 Marks | |
7 | Identify and Explain the Concepts | 6 Marks | |
8 | Distinguish Between | 6 Marks | |
9 | Answer in Brief | 12 Marks | |
10 | State with Reasons, Do you Agree/ Disagree | 12 Marks | |
11 | Table, Diagram, Passage Based Questions | 8 Marks | |
12 | Answer in Detail | 16 Marks |
Chapter 1: Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
(1) Scope of microeconomics: Theory of product pricing. Theory of factor pricing. Theory of Economic growth and development. Theory of Economic welfare. (March '23)
(2) Individual demand. Individual Supply. Individual Income. Price level.
(3) Price level. Employment level. Determination of rent. National income.
(4) Product pricing. Theory of economic growth and development. Factor Pricing. Theory of economic welfare.
(5) Theory of economic growth and development. Theory of income and employment. Macro theory of distribution. Theory of economic welfare.
(6) Profit, Land, Labour. Capital.
Chapter 2: Utility Analysis
(1) Air, Water, Sunlight, Gold.
(2) Notebook. Textbook, Chalk, Alcohol.
(3) Teacher, Singer. Dentist. Chair
(4) Car. Television set, Chapati, Ruler-Scale.
(5) Diamond, Gold, Silver, Water
Chapter 3 (A): Demand Analysis
(1) Notebook, Pen. Fan, Labour
(2) Gold. Diamond, Bungalow. Sugar
(3) Ruler-Scale, Pencil, Wheat. Paper.
(4) Land, Labour, Capital, Clothes.
(5) Medicine. Cold Drinks. Magazine. Perfume.
Chapter 3 (B): Elasticity of Demand
(1) Type of elasticity of demand: Price elasticity. Income elasticity, Less elasticity, Cross elasticity. (July 22)
(2) Sweets, Biscuits, Fruits, Medicines.
(3) Perfume. Vegetable ghee. Clothes, Cold drinks.
(4) Cold drinks, Soap. Salt, Biscuits.
(5) Washing machine, Wooden chair, Cupboard. Milk.
(6) Vegetables, Eggs. Television set, Fruits.
Chapter 4: Supply Analysis
(1) Revenue concepts: Total Revenue, Average Revenue, Total Cost. Marginal Revenue. (March '23)
(2) Clothes, Fans, Two wheelers, Eggs.
(3) Rare photographs. Vegetables. Air conditioners, Historical coins.
(4) Fruits, Fish, Flowers, Notebooks.
Chapter 5: Forms of Market
(1) Selling cost: Free gifts, Advertisement hoardings. Window display. Patents.
(2) Market structure on the basis of competition: Monopoly. Oligopoly. Very Short Period Market, Perfect Competition. (July 23)
(3) Feature of monopoly: Price maker. Entry barriers. Many sellers. Lack of substitutes.
(4) Legal monopoly: Patent. OPEC, Copyright, Trade mark.
(5) Market structure on the basis of place: Local market. Oligopoly, National market, International market.
Ans. (1) Patents (2) Very Short Period Market (3) Many sellers (4) OPEC (5) Oligopoly.
Chapter 6: Index Numbers
1. Types of Simple Index Number: Laaspeyre's index number. Price index number. Quantity index number. Value index number. (March '23)
Ans. Laaspeyre's index number.
Chapter 7: National Income
1. Transfer income: Pension, Unemployment allowance, Wages, Gifts. (July '22)
Ans. Wages.
Chapter 8: Public Finance in India
(1) External debt: Foreign banks, World bank. International monetary fund, Central bank. (July '22)
(2) Non-tax revenue: Fees. Penalty, Wealth tax, Special levy. (March '23)
(3) Fees, Gifts, Grants, Goods and Services Tax.
(4) Expenditure on health facilities. Expenditure on educational facilities, Costs of war, Retirement expenses.
(5) Property tax. Tax on profit, Customs Duty, Income tax
Ans. (1) Central bank (2) Wealth tax (3) Goods and Services Tax (4) Costs of war (5) Customs duty
Chapter 9 : Money Market and Capital Market in India
(1) Organized sector Money lender, Commercial bank , Co-operative bank, Reserve Bank of India. (July 22)
(2) Quantitative Tools of credit control: Bank rate. Open market operations. Foreign exchange rate, Variable reserve ratios. (March 23)
(3) Types of Bank Accounts: Saving A/c. D-mat A/c. Recurring A/c. Current A/c.
(4) Financial Assets: Bonds, Land, Government securities, Derivatives.
Ans. (1) Money lender (2) Foreign exchange rate (3) D-mat A/c (4) Land
Chapter 10: Foreign Trade of India
(1) Types of foreign trade: Local trade. Import trade. Export trade. Entrepot trade. (July '22)
(2) A commodity exported by India: Gold, Readymade garments, Tea. Rice.
(3) A commodity imported by India: Petroleum, Jute. Steel, Fertilizer.
(4) Important trading partner of India: USA, Japan, Sri Lanka, Germany.
(5) Financial Assets: Bonds, Land, Government securities, Derivatives.
Ans. (1) Local trade (2) Gold (3) Jute (4) Sri Lanka (5) Land.