12th HSC Board Economics: Complete the correlation: (1 mark each)

12th HSC Board Economics: 

(Q. 1:1 Mark each: Total 5 Marks)



Choose the Correct Option


5 Marks


Complete the Correction


5 Marks


Give Economic Term


5 Marks


Find the Odd Word


5 Marks


Complete the following Statements


5 Marks


Assertion and Reasoning Questions


5 Marks


Identify and Explain the Concepts


6 Marks


Distinguish Between


6 Marks


Answer in Brief


12 Marks


State with Reasons, Do you Agree/ Disagree


12 Marks


Table, Diagram, Passage Based Questions


8 Marks


Answer in Detail


16 Marks


(1) Five questions will be given in the question paper 

(2) In each question two words on one side and one word and one blank space (box) will be given on other side. 

3) Write the correct answer in the Man space by understanding the correlation between the given to words

4) Do not change the sequence of the answers

Chapter 1: Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

(1) Microeconomics: Tree:: Macroeconomics: _________   (Sept. 21)

(2) Macroeconomics:_________ ::Microeconomics: Price theory. (March 22)

(3) Microeconomics: _________ :: Macroeconomics: Forest. (July 22)

(4) Macroeconomics: Income Microeconomics: and employment theory: _________

(5) Makros: Macroeconomics:: Mikros: _________

(6) General equilibrium: Macroeconomics:: _________ : Micro-economics.


(1) Forest 

(2) Income theory 

(3) Tree 

(4) Theory of product pricing/Theory of factor pricing/Theory of economic welfare 

(5) Microeconomics 

(6) Partial equilibrium.

Chapter 2: Utility Analysis

(1) Furniture from wood: Form utility: Study book: _________

(2) Transportation of good: Place utility:: Teacher's teaching: _________

(3) Intra marginal unit: MU > Price:: _________ : MU < Price.

(4) Alfred Marshall: Marginal utility:: Hicks and Allen : _________

(5) Water Value in use > Value in exchange:: _________ : Value in use < Value in exchange,


(1) Knowledge utility 

(2) Service utility 

(3) Extra marginal 

(4) Ordinal utility 

(5) Diamond.

Chapter 3 (A): Demand Analysis

(1) Single consumer: Individual demand:: Many consumers: _________ (Sept. 21)

(2) Direct demand: Food and mobiles:: _________ :Land. (March 22) 

(3) Price good demand for normal goods : Inverse relationship::  Giffen goods: _________ (July 22)

Ans. (1) Market demand (2) Indirect demand (3) relationship.

Chapter 3 (B): Elasticity of Demand

(1) Perfectly elastic demand: Ed= alpha:: _________: Ed = 1. (March '22)

(2) Perfectly elastic demand: Ed=alpha:: _________ : Ed = 0.

(3) Rectangular hyperbola: _________ :: Steeper demand curve : Relatively inelastic demand. 

(4) Straight line demand curve: Linear demand curve:: ☐: Non-linear demand curve.

Ans. (1) Unitary elastic demand (2) Perfectly inelastic demand curve. (3) Unitary elastic demand (4) Curved line demand

Chapter 4: Supply Analysis

(1) _________: Downward sloping curve: Supply curve: Upward sloping curve. (Sept. '21)

(2) Total Revenue : _________ :: Average Revenue: TR/TO (July 22)

(3) Total Cost: TFC+TVC:: Average Cost: _________

(4) Demand curve: _________:: Supply curve: Upward.

(5) _________ : Change in Supply:: Other factors constant : Variation in Supply.

Ans. 1 Demand curve.

(2) P x Q

(3) TC / TO

(4) Downward

(5) Price constant.

Chapter 5: Forms of Market

(1) Perfect competition: _________ :: Monopoly: Single seller.

(2) Perfect competition: Free entry and exit: _________ : Barriers to entry

(3) Price taker : _________ :: Price maker: Monopoly.

(4) Single price: Perfect competition:: Discriminated prices : _________

(5) Wheat of Punjab : Natural monopoly:: Indian Railways : _________.

(6) _________ : Monopolistic competition:: Industry: Perfect competition.

Ans. (1) Large number of sellers (2) Monopoly (3) Perfect competition (4) Monopoly (5) Public monopoly (6) Group.

Chapter 6: Index Numbers

(1) Price index: Inflation:: ☐: Agricultural production. (Sept. '21)

(2) __________ : Base year prices: P₁: Current year prices.

(3) Laaspeyre's Index: __________ :: Paasche's Index: Current year quantities.

(4) __________ : Single variable:: Composite index: Group of variables.

(5) q0: Quantities of base year:: q₁: __________

Ans. (1) Agricultural productivity index (2) P (3) Base year

quantities (4) Univariate index (5) Quantities of current year.

Chapter 7: National Income

(1) Output method: Product method:: ___________ : Factor cost method(March '22)

(2) Output method: _______ :: Income method: Factor cost method.(July '22)

(3) Theoretical difficulty : Transfer payments :: ___________ : Valuation of inventories. 

(4) _________: Export:: M: Import.

Ans. (1) Income method (2) Product/Inventory method (3) Practical difficulty (4) X

Chapter 8: Public Finance in India

(1) Personal income tax: _______ : :Goods and Services Tax (GST): Indirect tax. (March (22)

(2) Public finance: ________ :: Private finance: Marginal impact on economy.

(3) Administration costs: _______ :: Research and development: Developmental expenditure.

Ans. (1) Direct tax (2) Tremendous impact on economy (3) Non- Developmental expenditure.

Chapter 9: Money Market and Capital Market in India

(1) _______:  Central bank:: State Bank of India: Commercial bank. (Sept. '21)

(2) Co-operative banks: Organized sector:: Indigenous bankers: ________

(3) Primary market: __________ : : Secondary market: Old issues.

Ans. (1) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) (2) Unorganized sector (3) New issues.

Chapter 10: Foreign Trade of India

(1) Import of India: Petroleum:: ________ : Computer hardware.

(2) Home trade: Internal trade: :Foreign trade : _________

(3) Source of import of India: Kuwait:: ________ : China.

Ans. (1) Export of India (2) External/international trade (3) Destination of export of India.

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