12th HSC Board Economics: Choose the correct option: (1 mark each)

12th HSC Board Economics: 

(Q. 1: 1 Mark each: Total 5 Marks)



Choose the Correct Option


5 Marks


Complete the Correction


5 Marks


Give Economic Term


5 Marks


Find the Odd Word


5 Marks


Complete the following Statements


5 Marks


Assertion and Reasoning Questions


5 Marks


Identify and Explain the Concepts


6 Marks


Distinguish Between


6 Marks


Answer in Brief


12 Marks


State with Reasons, Do you Agree/ Disagree


12 Marks


Table, Diagram, Passage Based Questions


8 Marks


Answer in Detail


16 Marks

(1) Five questions with four options each will be given in the questions paper. 

(2) Write only the correct option in the answer sheet. 

(3) Do not change the sequence of the answers.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Microeconomics 

and Macroeconomics

(1) The branch of economics that deals with the allocation of resources. (Sept. 21; July (22)

(a) Microeconomics

(b) Macroeconomics

(c) Econometrics

(d) Monetary Economics


(1) a, b and c 

(2) a and b 

(3) only a

(4) None of these

(2) Concepts studied under microeconomics.

(a) National income

(b) General price level

(c) Factor pricing

(d) Product pricing


(1) band c 

(2) b. c and d 

(3) a, b and c 

(4) c and d 

(3) Choose the wrongly matched pair:

(1) Adam Smith    - (a) Father of Economics

(2) Microeconomics    - (b) Lumping method

(3) Macroeconomics - (c) General equilibrium

(4) Alfred Marshall     - (d) Principles of Economics





(4) (d) 

(4) Concepts studied under macroeconomics.

(a) Whole economy

(b) Economic development

(c) Aggregate supply

(d) Product pricing


(1) a, b and c 

(2) b, c and d 

(3) only d

(4) a, b, c and d

(5) Scope of mасroeconomics.

(a) Consumption Function

(b) Investment function

(c)Individual demand

(d) Employment level

Options : 

1) a, b and d 

(2) b. c and d. 

(3) only d 

(4) only c

Chapter 3 (A): Demand Analysis

(1) Two or more goods demanded jointly to satisfy a single want. Sept. 21

(a) Direct demand

(b) Indirect demand

(c) Joint/Complementary demand

(d) Composite demand

Options: (1) a. d (2) a, b, c (3) a. c (4) only c

(2) The relationship between demand for inferior goods and income.

(a) direct 

(b) Inverse

(c) zero

(d) direct and inverse

Options: (1) ac (2) c. d (3) only b (4) only a

Chapter 5: Forms of Market

(1) Homogeneous product is the feature of this market : (Sept. 21)

(a) Monopoly

(b) Monopolistic competition

(c) Perfect competition

(d) Oligopoly

Options: (1) c and d (2) a, b and c (3) a, c and d (4) only c

(2) Classification of markets is done on the basis of place: (July '22)

(a) Local market, National market, International market

(b) Very short period market, Local market, National market

(c) Short period market, National market, International market

(d) Local market, National market, Short period market

Options: (1) a, b and c (2) b, c and d (3) only a (4) a and d

( 3) Choose the wrongly matched pair:

(1) Perfect competition         - (a) Many buyers

(2) Monopoly competition    - (b) Many sellers

(3) Monopolistic competition - (c) Differentiated product

(4) Oligopoly                     - (d) Uncertainty

Options: (1)-(a)



(4) - (d)

(4) Under perfect competition, sellers are:

(a) Price makers

(c) Price discriminators

(b) Price takers

(d) None of these

Options: (1) a, b and c (2) only b (3) only c (4) a and c

(5) Product differentiation is possible in the following market:

(a) Perfect competition

(b) Monopoly

(c) Monopolistic competition

(d) All of the above

Options: (1) a and b

(2) only b

(3) only c

(4) only d

Chapter 6: Index Numbers

(1) Statements that are incorrect in relation to index numbers: (July '22)

(a) Index number is a geographical tool.

(b) Index numbers measure changes in the air pressure.

(c) Index numbers measure relative changes in an economic variable.

(d) Index numbers are specialized averages

Options: (1) c and d

(2) a and b

(3) band c

(4) a and d

(2) Statements that highlight the significance of index number:

(a) Index numbers are useful for making future predictions.

(b) Index numbers help in measurement of inflation.

(c) Index numbers help to frame suitable policies.

(d) Index numbers can be misused.


(1) b, c and d 

(2) a, c and d 

(3) a, b and d

(4) a, b and c

(3) Statements that apply weighted index numbers

(a) Every commodity is given equal importance. 

(b) It assigns suitable weights to various commodities,

(c) In most of the cases, quantities are used as weights

(d) Laaspeyre's and Paasche's method is used in the calculation of weighted index numbers.


(1) b. c and d 

(2) a. c and d

(3) a, b and d

(4) a. b. c and d

Chapter 7: National Income

(1) While estimating national income, we include only value final goods and services in order to:

(a) make computation easier

(b) avoid double counting

(c) maximize national welfare of the people

(d) evaluate the total economic performance of a nation

Options: (1) only a (2) only b (3) a and c (4) cand d

(2) NDP is obtained by:

(a) deducting depreciation from GNP

(b) deducting depreciation from GDP

(c) Including depreciation in GDP

(d) including depreciation in GNP

Options: (1) only a (2) a and c (3) only b (4) b and d

Chapter 8: Public Finance in India

(1) Economist who is of the view that "Public finance is one of those subjects which are on the borderline between economics and politics" (Sept. '21)

(a) Adam Smith

(b) Alfred Marshall

(c) Prof. Hugh Dalton

(d) Prof. Findlay Shirras

Options: (1) only a (2) only b (3) only c (4) only d

(2) Non-tax sources of revenue: (July '22)

(a) Direct and indirect tax

(b) Direct tax and fees

(c) Fees

(d). Special levy

Options: (1) band c (2) a and c (3) a, b, c and d (4) c and d

(3) Identify the right group of pairs

(1) Direct tax        (a) Non-tax revenue

(2) Indirect tax      (b) Inflation

(3) Fees and fines  (c) GST

(4) Surplus budget  (d) Personal income tax

Options: (1) 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-a    (2)1 - c  2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - b

(3) 1 - d  2 - c  3 - a  4 - b      (4) 1 - a  2 - b  3 - c   4 - d

(4) Obligatory functions of government

(a) Provision of employment

(b) Maintaining internal law and order

(c) Welfare measures

(d) Exporting goods and services

Options: (1) c and d (2) a and b (3) only b (4) a, c and d 

Chapter 9: Money Market and Capital Market in India

9. Method of quantitative credit control. (July '22)

(a) Bank rate

(b) Open market operation

(c) Cash Reserve Ratio

(d) Credit rationing

Options: (1) a, b, c (2) b, c, d (3) a, b. d (4) a. d. d.

Ans. (1) a, b, c

Chapter 10: Foreign Trade of India

9. Role of foreign trade. (Sept. '21)

(a) To earn foreign exchange

(b) To encourage investment

(c) Leads to division of labour

(d) Bring change in composition of exports

Options: (1) a and b

(2) a, b and c

(3) b and d

(4) None of these

Ans. (2) a, b, and c

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